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Right and Wrong

A very big question?
What is right and what is wrong?
Some persons feel that eating non-veg. is wrong and some persons feel that it is right. Some persons feel that wearing western dresses is wrong and some persons feel that it is right. Similarly for each and every thing there are different views among various people about what is right and what is wrong?

Similarly in the past it was believed that wife must spend his whole life with her husband and is not allowed to leave him, despite whatever way her husband keeps her. Today this is considered wrong and concept of divorce is invented. So the thing which was considered right in the past is considered wrong in the present times.

This means that what is considered and believed right at one time is considered wrong at the other times. Before Newton's theory was believed absolute right and then after Einstein his theory is considered partly wrong and Einstein's theory is considered right. In future Einstein may be considered wrong.

In India, in olden days, a female was taught that except her husband, all other men other than father and uncle are brothers and she can't look them with sexy feelings. Today females since their school age, make other boys their friends. If any boy tries to call her sister, it is taken as abusive word. In the past it was a sacred word.

These examples point that there is no permanent right and no permanent wrong.

In everyday life we fight with each other by saying that you have done wrong therefore you have done crime. If the things go dis-satisfactory, the person is punished for doing that crime by the law because he has done a wrong thing. But after sometime a new govt. comes and decides that it will be no crime for that wrong thing and passed a bill in the parliament just to win the confidence of the people. The same wrong thing is after the passing of the bill is considered right.

In this situation, the person who was punished before for doing that wrong thing is proved to be a right person. Then shall the previous member of parliaments be punished for punishing this person as they made a wrong law previously which they have modified according to their suitability or the society be punished, which wrongly punished that person by believing that he had made a crime? It's a big question?

The reason for explaining all this is that we create hatred among ourselves for believing that one thing is wrong and a person must be punished for that, this we must understand. We must understand that there is no permanent right and no permanent wrong. So we must not hate a person with the inner heart because he is doing something wrong.

If this will be understood by all the human people, the discrimination, hatred etc. in the society will come to a minimum and we can create a healthy and harmonious world, where all people can live happily.

By - Anjini Kumar Kasturia