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Meaning of Rape

Today there are various laws against rapists in our country. Also there are a number of family laws. In addition to catching and punishing the rapists these laws also gives an authority to the Govt. of India enter and interfere in each and every place of Indian citizen’s freedom and his human rights. These laws were devised with the objective to protect the human right of a woman giving her liberty to maintain her sexual relationship with a man of her choice. Any person who ignores her right of choice and forcefully compels her by any means for sexual intercourse is called a rapist. Also there are provisions made in these laws giving a female liberty to say that the intercourse done with her is rape or not rape. If she has a malicious intention and falsely says that it is a rape and falsely imposes it on a innocent male, the male is arrested without warrant and sent to jail. This is the main loophole of these laws by which the corrupt machinery with the help of any woman can blackmail an innocent man and earn lot of money as a bribe to free him of the charge. This clearly shows that these laws are made to divide a man and a woman and protect one gender and harm the other gender to the maximum. This also shows that the Indian laws are made not to give justice to each and every section of the society, but just to leave no scope at any place from where politicians can get their larger part of bread. In true sense the concept of democracy where every citizen has freedom of speech, expression and freedom to live without hurting the interest of the other citizen is completely killed. A common man following all the norms and laws of the society is not allowed to live peacefully without fear. Broadly speaking there is no democracy in our India. Government of India has the legal power to interfere in each and every action of a citizen of India from his eating of food, sexual relationships, his feeding of family, his walking on the street, his going to the public toilet, even in his religion and his earning of money etc. The Govt. of India through its law enforcing machinery keeps eye on each breathe of a common citizen of India. Each time you breathe your life, you will have to remember that have you not broken the Govt. law while breathing. A common man  doesn’t lives his free life, but he lives a life of mercy granted to him by the Govt. of India to serve the goals and missions to exploit the common man set by the ruling politicians of India. There are conflicting laws made senselessly, one will grant you your human rights and the other law will suppress your human rights.

Emphasizing the Indian rape law; the corrupt politicians take full advantage of it to make money, through bribes indirectly procured from their hidden agents incorporated in the law enforcing agencies, thus making the life of a common man a hell struggling and fighting corruption throughout the lifetime and paying his hard earned money to these unofficial corrupt agents as a bribe and in this way finishing his life of slavery, awarded to him by these corrupt politicians, in the graveyards of corruption.

What is the meaning of rape according to the Indian law?

The concept of rape by Indian law IPC 375 and 376 is physical sexual pleasure enjoyed by a male by forcefully touching the physical body of a woman (except wife) without her wish. It means that if that woman wishfully allows a man to have intercourse with her, it is not called rape. The meaning of rape is limited to this only. There is no such law in India, which agrees to punish a woman, if a group of women or a woman physically stronger than a man does intercourse with the man forcefully. The law doesn’t agrees that a woman can do rape. This means that the Indian law gives a clear verdict that a man of India must always submit to the wishes of a woman and satisfy her if she wishes to have sex with that man. Otherwise the woman has a clear option to blackmail the man for falsely charging him of being rape done to her.  But the same is not allowed to a man. Though the law says that thorough investigation must be done before arresting that man, but law enforcing agencies doesn’t do that and simply arrest that man with the support of false evidences to cook the bread for their masters, who have appointed them.

Now we will divert our mind towards social and theoretical meaning of rape. In real life what is rape? What is sex? What is intercourse? What relation of intercourse has with the mind and soul of a person? What impact rape and intercourse throws on emotional part of a human being? Why a man or a woman does rape?

These questions if answered can solve the problem of rape when broadly understood.

Before answering questions about rape, I will try to tell you about the man and woman relationship. In olden days, there was only one relationship between man and a woman and that was a sexual relationship. Slowly the man started realizing that there are other types of relationships also which can be shared between a male and a female. Like 1. Father and daughter, 2. Mother and son, 3. Brother and sister, 4. Uncle and niece, 5. Aunty and nephew, 6. Mother-in-law and son-in-law, 7. Father–in-law and Daughter-in-law etc. All these relationships from 1 to 8 have no sexual relationships. These relationships are maintained by heart and are relationships of sacrifice. In all these one is male and the other is female. Then afterwards various religions came into being and they restricted the sexual relationships to only husband and wife. These religions realized that the relationship between wife and a husband is of love and expectation. That is a physical expectation. It means that there is some selfishness involved between the relationship of a husband and a wife.  

The religions realized that sex is not everything. It realized that we are not animals, but we have brain to think too. The true relationship between a male and female can be free of sex involvement. That means the relationship of sacrifice. Just to love the other without expecting anything from the other. Thus such kind of relationship came into being and today we are enjoying these relationships due to the invention of these relationships by those religions.

These relationships of sacrifice invented the true meaning of love. Now love was widely understood. Now man understood that love is only sacrifice and not an expectation. He realized that expectation is involved along with love only in the relationship between a wife and a husband; where both expect sexual intercourse. When these sexual intercourse stops the relationship between wife and husband starts deteriorating.

Now I will try to explain the sexual relationship between a man and a woman. Like hunger and thirst, which are natural physical phenomena, similarly sex is also a natural physical phenomenon which nature has associated it with a man. When a man sees a beautiful woman, a desire arises in the mind of a man to have sex with that woman. Sex is enjoyed between a man and a woman in an unlimited number of ways. Many saints and intellectuals have described this beautiful phenomena in various beautiful forms. But the most common thing in all these forms of sexual behaviours is that there is liberty given by the nature to a man and a woman to enjoy it with their own way. Sometimes, it is done by requesting each other to execute it to ones desire. Sometimes, it is done by using some force. Some men and ladies get satisfied only when it is done to them by using force. The sex is unexplainable because it has unending forms of taste.

But the Govt. of India has limited our sex to be used in a limited form by making wrong laws. The natural law by which nature gives us liberty is betrayed by Govt. of India. There are similar wrong laws throughout the world in various countries, but we will only talk about Govt. of India because we live in India.

Now the spiritual concept. According to the Indian law, when a force is used to have sex to a woman other than wife, it is called rape and when the same is done to a wife, it is not rape. Why forceful sex with the wife can’t be called rape, when it is done against the wishes of her. The answer is that the meaning of rape is not well understood by the society till now. Rape according to the society means involvement of force. When a man uses force in sex, it pains a woman’s body and the soul. But when someone’s wife doesn’t allows her husband to have sex and blackmails him to go to the court to charge him falsely in the court, in this situation, the pains which a man gets to hold himself from not doing sex, why it can’t be called rape. Holding one’s mind and soul from not doing it, when his body is demanding gives more pain to a man than the pain which a woman bears while having a sex against her wishes. When a beautiful woman only loves a rich man and starts hating her financially poor boy friend after she gets a richer man, the feelings of a poor boy friend gets hurt to such an extent that his thinking capacity stops, he gets frustrated and his life ends in a destitute. His life becomes hell. His desires of life are killed. His soul is killed. I think his pain is much higher than a forceful sex done to a woman. Why this can’t be called rape and its punishment allotted must be as equal to the punishment given to a rapist. When a husband works very hard for about 12 to 14 hours a day to earn for the wife and children and as wife remains at home and establishes a sexual relationship with a neighbour and gets ran away with him along with her children, without realizing that the sweat and pain which her husband exerted throughout the life for them is his love towards them, why this behaviour of a woman can’t be called a rape? Can anybody imagine that the children for whom the father has taken pains throughout the life are hundred times more than the woman who was forced for sex for a little time. Can anybody imagine that the lifetime contribution of hard work by a husband is more painful than the pain a woman gets while giving birth to a child and keep her in her stomach for nine months. Nobody wants to think this, but exploit such man for receiving a bribe from his hard earned money.

The case of rape usually happens when a man is avoided by women due to his low society status like poverty, position, physical fitness, colour etc. No woman gets interested to have relationship if a man is having second position status in the society due to the above reasons. Where that man will go, can the law think? How that man will enjoy sex with a woman? No woman thinks that. No Govt. thinks. So rapes are frustrations of a deprived man who is bearing pains to hold his sex. Society has done injustice by not liking him and accepting him as a human being. His requirement of sex is not met. His human right to have sex is taken away by selfish women. After rape he is severely punished and thus another additional injustice is done to him. So the rape is the result of selfishness of females. But only the men are blamed for that.

So the meaning of rape is hurt done to someone’s soul and heart and not the body of someone. 

By Anjini Kumar Kasturia

To be continued............