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Laws destroying family structure

In the olden days, the concept of a family emerged and human society accepted it for the harmony of the society and human being. The need for the family was felt because the ancient man used to fight for each and every thing. He used to fight for food, shelter, clothing, women and everything. The practice was to snatch things of others by force for themselves to reduce the shortage of the facilities and for pleasure. But due to continuous fighting and killing of each other, it was perceived that they will finish off all the human beings and no one will survive and also due to continuous fighting the man will not be able to live peacefully. So to distribute things evenly including women served the purpose of a peaceful society. Thus the concept of a family started becoming stronger.

In olden days, the human society was men dominated, unlike today where women are dominating the society. The family, the society and the country's govt. is commanded by women's voice. The laws are made only to favour women. The man has become just a labour tool just to earn for the family and in return receive ill treatment from the family and act according to wife and children, and in the end when he is tired in his life earning for the family he is rejected totally by the family. The man's prestige as a dominating person is put forward outside the family, just to protect the culture and use his muscle power and strength, which is always more then females to fight the outsiders and intruders for the protection of women and children.

As men used to fight with each other for every thing in olden days and tried to snatch women by alluring, fascinating and bewitching other's wives, even also by force, the theory of love between wife and husband was propounded by scholars those times. They preached that a woman who will love her husband and children and serve them nicely and by doing this she will go to heaven. This strong philosophy succeeded cent percent and became a guaranteed tool to protect the family structure. Till today this philosophy is commanding our society to a larger extent. But the fascination of internet and television and of open society of the west has changed minds of men and women and the loving concept of wife and husband is collapsing. Men are again after women of other persons. To fulfill their desires, men and women are cheating each other to fulfill their sexual desires. The love concept is prevailing just to conceal the family structure. But such desires are so strong and men are submitting themselves to the maximum and even at the cost of destruction of the society to achieve the fulfillment of sexual desires with others wives. The result ending in blackmails of husbands and finally divorce or murder of husbands or court cases.

Every religion in the world supports this philosophy of love between the family members and considers this a major tool to protect the family, whereas the man, a father or an elder son or husband is supported to be the head of the family structure, who protects the family from outsiders physically and financially. The head of the family i.e. man is legally authorised by all the religions of the world to protect the family from outsiders, earn for the family and do all the things where muscle power is needed. The women of the family are assigned by all the religions of the world with a job to look after the children at home and do cooking and well keeping of the house. This arrangement looks correct because the sexual excitement parts of the women prevail throughout the body. If they will move freely everywhere throughout the society, they can create lust and excitement among the men and thus give a rise to the fight and quarrel for procuring the particular woman. On the other hand the sexual parts of the male are not spread throughout the body of a man. Also he can cover his particular sexual part properly so that it should not excite a woman. This concept worked very well since the past till today and the harmony of the society remained a 100 per cent success.

The concept of man's dominance over woman doesn't meant an insult to woman, but this was felt the best way to keep the family and the society happy and peaceful. The women were respected as equal as men. They were honoured and loved more than men, so that they should not feel bad because they have to live under the dominance of a man. The dignity of women were respected and protected by men.

Now due to the inspiration of the west, the voice to liberate woman has effected our country's culture heavily. In the west though it's society has given more powers to the woman, which are as equal as men, the west is highly educated and very less misuse this concept, but in India the concept of liberation of woman is misunderstood and is motivated by corrupt politicians and corrupt govt. officials for their personal gains and profits. By misusing their powers, they have made such laws, which give more powers to women at the cost and sacrifice of powers given to men by our constitution. Those laws made and passed by our parliament members breach the preamble of our constitution, which propagates equal rights for every citizen.  Thus safe living of a common man in our country has become dangerous and he is living a life of hell and slavery. The corrupt machinery and corrupt law enforcing bodies motivated by the politicians grab everything of a common man under the guise of these laws. The wives of a common man are bewitched and lured by the richer class of men for their sexual lust and are given enticement to leave their husbands alongwith their children to feed the sexual desires of richer class. Rest of all the assets are snatched and grabbed by law enforcing authorities, when the miserable man approaches these law enforcing officials for justice. In the end the man does suicide or revolts the society and becomes criminal and is shot dead by these law enforcing authorities. The situation is very alarming and is under estimated. If action is not taken in time, the whole of the poor men population in India will be wiped out. Therefore every citizen must raise voice against such a grand torture program by the govt. sponsored legal terrorism on poor men. Otherwise the complete poor population of India will be wiped out by the legal terrorism on poor men and only richer class will live peacefully in India.

Anjini Kumar Kasturia