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Since long past, many religions, many political ideologies, concepts, thoughts and ideas have been devised  for the betterment of the humans. But still after hundreds of philosophies, no complete solution has been achieved for the complete happiness and mirth of human beings. Therefore new concepts of living and humanity are needed  to be devised, which must remain absolutely true and they must really benefit the human beings for their lust of happiness and mirth. Keeping this in mind Anjini Kumar Kasturia remained in research and thoughts since his small age till today and have come to some conclusions and have devised his own phylosophy i.e. Zeroism.

Now what is Zeroism?
Zeroism means that whatever has originated around you including you is called Creation and creation originated from Zero. It means Creation originated from nothing. There was nothing before the Creation was created; no matter, no time, no space and not even light and darkness. Before our Universe and many other Universes and also before space and time originated, there was nothing. Even there was no concept of GOD. But only thing which existed was 'nothing'. How this creation got created, this can't be defined in short terms and in this short note, but to know more, Anjini Kumar Kasturia is writing books. 

Zeroism believes that there is no GOD. If he existed, definitely he would have looked well after this Creation and mankind properly. But most of the people are unhappy due to their suppression by the section of people having power. There is no way to curb their rule over suppressed people and suppressed people don't have resources to fight with these powerful people. In this situation, if there would have been any Super Power or Super Natural Being, he would have used his powers to curb and control such type of people. But practically, no presence of GOD have been felt in our daily lives to solve our problems and stop forcefully those sinful people. This is the evidence that there is no GOD. When we are in trouble, only then we conceive in our minds that there is someone, who can solve our problems and just to satisfy our mind, we start believing in GOD.

Creation is a self creating system with no proper rules. In the period of long time, due to the activity of the creation, the rules start getting originated due to its continuous activity, i.e. its motion. Then these rules and laws form Universes, Galaxies, Stars and Planets etc. Today they are defined in various ways in various sciences. And when there is a favourable environment, the life is born and its development goes on. So what we call soul, it is not eternal and everlasting, but dies down at the time of our body's  damage or death and afterwards the soul has no existence. The soul is a center place in the virtual cyber space in our mind, which is empty and is surrounded by numerous vibrations of minute particles like atoms, electrons, protons  and many other forms of particles etc. Therefore the soul, which is actually a virtual empty space surrounded by trillions of vibrations, gives our body a false perception that we are living beings and we should live forever. But when by education of religion and sciences and by maturity, we come to know that we will die one day, we start believing that we are sinners and some extra terrestrial is controlling us, which we call as GOD.

But reality is that soul is not everlasting. It is the result of vibrations of minute particles. When these controlled vibrations will end, the soul will end. ITS VERY SAD THAT HOW ONE CAN TAKE IT TO  BELIEVE OR AGREE THAT HE IS NOTHING, BUT MERE A FALSE PERCEPTION ARISING OUT OF CYCLED VIBRATIONS OF THE MINUTE PARTICLES, because no one wants to die. But its true. You believe whatever you like, but reality is that you are nothing, but a product of vibrations. THE VIBRATIONS WILL END, YOU AND YOUR SOUL WILL END.

Anjini Kumar Kasturia