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The concept of Western Human Rights not suitable for India

Human Rights are not clauses or set of rules to be followed, but a self realization that we are human beings. So we have the right to enjoy all the wealth of nature equally without interfering and disturbing the liberty of the other person to enjoy the same thing. It means that distributing the wealth of nature with each other. Suppose the area in which you are living produces 1000 kg. of rice per year and in your area total 10 persons are living. Therefore the wealth of nature i.e. rice must be distributed between each person equally. It means that each person will get 100 kg. of rice per year. So to get 100 kg. of rice per year is your human right. 

Next example, suppose that in your state 10 men and 20 women are living. So 1 men has right to marry 2 women so that justice can be done to all the 20 women and thus all the 20 women can live a married life. If the situation is opposite, the things can be distributed in the opposite way.

Third example, Richer community is respected everywhere and due to rich in money, when they go to police station for registering an F.I.R., there F.I.R. is registered immediately by taking bribe or gift. Poor man doesn't have money to give at police stations and so his F.I.R. is refused usually by the police at the police stations because he can't give bribes. It means that injustice is done to the poor man by not registering his F.I.R. It means his equal right to register an F.I.R. has been taken away by the society and discrimination done to him.

Thus a number of examples can be given in favour of Human Rights. HUMAN RIGHTS MEANS DEDICATING YOURSELF FOR THE CAUSE OF HUMANITY. And what is humanity? Humanity means LIVE AND LET LIVE. Humanity preaches itself human rights. Humanity is preached by each and every religion of the world in its own language. But today inspired by the west, the Indian Human Rights Organisations have become copycats. We are just copying and following the definitions which are preached by the west about Human Rights. Why we should copy the definitions explained by the west, when we have the largest number of religions and social reformers who have explained very well the meaning of human rights to us. We have the largest number of definitions about human rights in the world. But we are mentally sick to follow each and every thing of the west.

The concept of western human rights is to obtain justice to the community who is shouting for human rights without estimating it's implications which will have on the other communities or sections of the society. It means that justice to one section of the society at the cost of injustice done to the other section of the society. This same concept is copied by our human rights organisations and even the Govt. of India while making laws.

The World Human Rights Organisation before was raising voice in support of backward caste and scheduled caste. It is true that they were harassed by other communities. The laws were made in India like reservations for them. Now reservations acquired them jobs and made them wealthy. Now there is too much reservation for them that the people of other communities are suffering for jobs and are becoming poorer. The reservation for this community was to bring them up as equal as other communities. Now this class of the Indian society is wealthy. Many are ministers, chief ministers and many are top class one officers. This community has taken for granted that the reservation for them is for ever. Therefore now other communities are not getting jobs because most of the govt. jobs are reserved for OBC/SC/ST. Now the situation is this that the people from other class are fraudulently making their certificates for backward class to enter the OBC/SC/ST class because they don't get the jobs. This proves that justice for one class and injustice for other class.

After some time the issue of OBC/SC/ST ended and the World Human Rights Organisation was in search of another issue for it's publicity. They found that fewer women population of the world are subject to injustice. They started raising voice for the rights of women. The same thing the Indian human rights organisations started following. The Govt. of India made tough laws for women. The result was that 90% cases filed by women are proved by the courts of India as false. The innocent men started getting harassed. There are about a lakh of NGO for women in India on each and every street of cities in India. Innocent men are harassed and blackmailed by many women organisations. If there is one rape case in the city. The few women organisations try to give the impression to the public and the press that all the men are born criminals and they are anti-women. This is done to gain publicity and run their bread. This also proves that justice for one section of the society i.e. women and injustice to the other section of the society i.e. men.

So a question to the human rights organisations from me that do you call this human rights? Justice to one and injustice to the other?

The true essence of human rights can only be derived when while making laws for the govt. or set of rules to be made for human rights organisations or while drafting any charter of human rights the words or concepts used must be written with full care and it must be seen that while drafting these concepts, the opposite section doesn't suffers. The advice of saints, scholars, intellectuals, the concerned religious bodies and modern designers of the society must be taken. The laws and rules must be temporary incorporated to see whether they are not hurting the opposite section of the society. After a long demonstration of the stability of the laws and rules, they can be made permanent.

Obeying humanity means incorporating human rights in one's self. So there is no need to get advice from the west for understanding human rights. We have many religions explaining human rights. We have hundreds of epics and books which explain human rights. Follow them. Though National Human Rights Commission is made by Indian Govt. they look for it's human rights dictionary to the west. The same is followed by the NGO's within India. Unless human rights are devised according to Indian taste and flavours, the meaning of human rights is meaningless.

The big example of such foolishness we have perceived recently. The case of our dear daughter DAMINI. I condole the death of an innocent girl. But the scenario which was created in the capital and throughout India is well known to Indian and the World community. The whole scenario was politically motivated just to divide the vote bank. The way her killer was found dead in the jail clearly gives the message that the death and rape of her was politically motivated. After that to gain publicity and divert the attention of the public, the Govt. made law irBM, another discriminatory law. So people can clearly see that in the name of human rights big politically motivated harassment of the people is done. The ruling politicians are not worried about the well being of the people. But they want votes from the larger section of the society and that is poor people, who don't understand what is the concept of humanity and human rights as they are illiterate. The ruling politicians just want to exploit the poor people under the guise of draconian laws. Our Supreme Court of India agrees with this that these draconian laws are being misused and it is helpless because it has no legal right to make laws.

So concluding this I only appeal to the Indian Human Rights organisations that "Come on, start thinking in new ways to devise a clear concept of Human Rights and save the Indian People and the Indian Families by  sniffing the pains of each and every person of India not by nose, but sniffing them by heart and soul; and come forward to join hands to fight the draconian laws by which a poor man has become slave of the Govt. of India to free  him from the clutches of bribery taken under the guise of these laws. 

Anjini Kumar Kasturia