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By Anjini Kumar Kasturia - The worst considered gang rape in India, where a girl of 23 years was gang raped by 6 men in a bus on 16 December 2012 is an issue of very importance in political free India. The Verdict of the court I say is right. All the culprits must be hanged to death. This is my feeling and feeling of all the countrymen.

But a question arises???? That is, a number of brutal gang rapes occur in the country every year since Independence. Even after this sad incident on 16th December 2012, many worst gang rapes have occurred in the country, but there are no marches, no hue and cry, no blocking of roads, no national movement like women NGO's, political parties and the media did at the time of this case.

At the time of this case there were marches of students of the colleges, NGO's, political parties like BJP and the Congress, our Prime Minister and the Congress President giving national statements, Obama from America giving statements. Now where all these hue and cry of Mr. Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Obama has vanished. After this sad and dirty incident also about 450 cases of rape have been done in the national capital only. Where is that shout and nationwide movement???? Everything finished. This clearly proves that the gang rape was sponsored by politicians in association with the multinationals of the west to pave the clear way to pass the THE CRIMINAL LAW (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 2013. The law is passed and it is working. The main culprit was killed and not done suicide as said by defence lawyer in the court. He was killed in jail to finish of evidence to prove that there is a political hand in this matter. As that man would have revealed the names of the culprit politicians. This politically sponsored gang rape and the politically sponsored nation wide movement afterwards was executed to gain sympathy of the opposition to help  pass this law. In this law section 354 A, B, C, D is gender based and is non bailable. There is no need to describe this law in detail. Anyone can go on internet and study this law. With this law the voice of a common man is suppressed and killed. In real sense a common and poor man is killed mentally and is made slave of the richer class and multinational richer class.

Can anyone think why this is done? Yes, it is done because multinational companies like other countries to do business like in China, Australia etc. because foreign richer class can only work, when they get wine and woman easily. In these countries, it is available easily. But in India due to strong culture, to get woman who has no AIDS is difficult. Professional sex workers have mostly AIDS. So there is requirement of women who don't have AIDS. The only way to get such kind of woman is by way of giving enticement to a wife or daughter of a common and poor man to get into high profile prostitution. There remains always dissatisfaction to a wife and daughter of a poor and common man being not able to fulfill the desires of their family in a fast growing country like India, where richer class is becoming more richer and poor class becoming more poorer. Therefore the wives and daughters of poor and common man come into the enticement of richer class for the want of money and sleeps with the richer man. The wives of richer class bears with this because they too are interested in the property of the rich husband. But there was a hurdle in achieving this dirty mission of the govt. The common man can go to the court. Therefore to stop him from going to the court and police station and to cut off his legal hands, this draconian law is made. In India if a poor man goes to the police station, there is practice openly that they will ask bribe from him, otherwise they will not lodge complaint and FIR in favour of him. The complaint and FIR is always lodged in favour of richer man because police gets handsome bribe from the richer class. The poor man doesn't have financial strength to give bribe to the police and then fight the case. Thus he gives up and bears with what he got in his destiny. In addition to such kind of laws to the already prevailing gender based draconian laws has almost made poor man slave of the govt. and the richer class. Now he can't do anything if any women falsely complaints against him. Simply he will have to stay in jail because he doesn't have money to get bail and no other person will fill bond for him to bail him out. Therefore a poor and common man will never go to the police station and court for getting justice if his wife and daughter is taken away from him by giving enticement by the richer class for their sexual desires.

THEREFORE, an investigation by an international agency and the Hon'ble International court in Hague must be done against ruling politicians, who are virtually involved in the Nirbhaya case and have made completely wrong law to suppress the people of India and punished by the International Court in Hague. I HUMBLY APPEAL TO THE  'INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION' to raise voice against the ruling politicians in the UNITED NATIONS and bring the ruling corrupt politicians under the preview of International Law, because in India it is not possible due to administrative machinery and judiciary influenced by the ruling politicians. Our Supreme Court doesn't gets influenced by the political machinery and have commented in many verdicts that these are draconian laws, but the hands of Our Supreme Court are cut off because it is not a law making body. I SALUTE TO SUPREME COURT OF INDIA AND THE WORLD COURT COURT AND BEG TO GET JUSTICE FOR THE INDIAN PEOPLE.


By Anjini Kumar Kasturia
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