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World requires changes

New Concepts of Society

In the ancient times to live was the basic concept of all the animals. In the progress of time by the changes in nature from time to time, the physical design of all the animals began to change and the design of human being was created by the nature. He was called human being because he had better brain and thinking power than other animals. He was able to perceive that to live he needs other human beings also. The man started devising community to live together. Then by passing of time, he felt that the way must be found to share things among the community. They started sharing food, shelter and later on women. But there was always quarrel and fighting between them for the food, shelter, wealth and women. Thus the concept and rules of society were formed to live in harmony. But this also didn't solve the problem. Then came the formation of various religions in various parts of the world by which ways and rule to live peacefully were incorporated in them. People started living with the religion. Since then to the present uncountable methods and ways are preached by the various religious preachers, but still the human society is not at peace and at it's mirth. New ideologies other than religion are also invented to solve this problem. The ideologies like communism, socialism, democracy etc. also has proved to be a failure in this goal.

Unless and until a concept to live peacefully and with complete happiness doesn't come into existence the changes in the society will go on. New religions and ideologies will go on getting invented till an ultimate solution to a complete happy human society comes into existence.

As you see in the world today, the fighting between various sects, discrimination, unevenness, misery, wars, crimes go on unending. This proves that presently no religion in the world has complete solution to bring complete peace and happiness in the human society of the great earth. Therefore there is need to devise new concepts and religion for our society, which will contain new set of rules and new concept of this creation and truth. The people interested in this topic can continue to read this blog written by me, which will take you to new world of thoughts. I hope may my effort can help our human society to solve many problems which it faces today. As I love my mother earth and my human society very much, I have spent my whole life meditating along with working continuously to come to the truth.

I will go on writing my experiences for my readers.

To be continued ..................