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Prostitute (Vaishya)

Prostitute in Hindi and Sanskrit means Vaishya. In olden days the merchants were called Vish or Vaish. They used to travel very far away from their home land and had to stay in another city for many days to sell their products. They had to live their without their wives. So the arrangement was made for them by the rulers or the professionals in this field to serve them with the woman. These women served their sexual needs. Therefore they were called Vish or Vaishya. Vaish means businessman. And Vaishya means female seller of her body to the merchants. But when someone loved truly any of these vaishya's they used to love that man with full heart and even give their life for that man, if needed.

But today the women who are bad, instead of selling their body, they sell their love. So what they will be called? Satisavitri or Prostitutes. They marry a man only to grab his money. Some want a puppet man. If he is a common man having average income, his woman will take away his full services and compel him to do hard work for 12 to 14 hours and take away his whole income. In return give him food and home services with abuse. And when the man is ill or is not able to earn in the very cruel society of today, the woman leaves him and goes away with another man. What to call such woman, who sold her love in return of the man's services and duties towards home? In my view the woman who sells her love is a prostitute and the woman who sells her body just to feed her stomach and her children is not a prostitute.

Today the marriage has become a business. The girls marry only to grab money in the guise of a wife and when a man's money is exhausted nursing the family, the female taking advantages of unsocial laws and unsocial law enforcing agencies in India files a divorce or a false criminal case and after separation lives a life of independence along with the grabbed money and daily goes with her boyfriends enjoying life.

Therefore due to legal support of wrong laws for love blackmail, state sponsored legal prostitution business has spread throughout India. Afterwards the common man has to finish off his left money in police stations and in law to get justice and to get his children back. His whole life is spent struggling for the family and children and he is never happy and dies down. The govt. goes on changing elections after elections, but no govt. is worried about such kind of miseries of a common man. A common man has no option. No political party supports his cause. So to whom he will vote to get justice?.....

THEREFORE THIS GOVT. SPONSORED LEGAL PROSTITUTION MUST BE STOPPED. WRONG LAWS LIKE 354-A,B,C,D, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT, 498-A, IRBM ETC. must be removed and men and women relationship must be made law free. Society itself will decide the disputes between wife and husband. Their religions are capable of looking after these matters. Till Narsimha Rao Govt., law didn't entered the house of a common man. But now law is interfering in daily personal life of a common man. Law decides that how a man has to do intercourse with his wife. How many times he is allowed to keep sexual relationship with his wife? A man has to live with the mercy of his wife. The freedom of a common man has totally finished. He is total slave of the Govt. and his wife. He is used as a earning machinery for the wife and for serving bribes to law enforcing agencies. He can't rest in his house for a couple of days. He has to work throughout the life for compensating for marrying. The representatives of people must note down, if this continues, these laws will definitely destabilize India and the 4th military power will be reduced to none, if internal quarrel and harassment of innocent men continues.

Anjini Kumar Kasturia