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Friday 17 May 2013

Towards Truth


As you see by the Theory of Zeroism founded by Anjini Kumar Kasturia  it looks as if there is no purpose of Creation to create so many things. In the beginning there was something; to which I give it a proper name i.e. Something and this Something existed in the nothing.

(Here I want to make it clear that it is not necessary to believe that if we see beautiful creation around us, so somebody must have created it in the initial state. It is self creating process)

Now what is 'nothing' ?
Nothingness has no dimensions, no matter, no energy, no wavelength, no light and no darkness. It is absolute nothing.

What is 'Something'?
Something in the initial stage has no matter, no energy, no light and no darkness. But it has no limitations to expand. It has the potential to expand everywhere because it is something. It has no boundaries to stop it. So when it expands, it's "motion state" as well as it's "state of  potential to expand" is called Energy. Something expands and its energy creates the Creation. I.e. It's expanded form is called 'Creation'. Our Scientists call this as Big Bang, but they don't know what happens before the Big Bang. When something expands, it's behaviour of expanding is called waves. The wavelength are of various frequencies.

Now this process of Creation from Something to Everything and Everything to Something goes on always, this is very well known to the scholars, but the scholars are till now have not understood that what was the purpose of this Creation. So the answer to this question is that there is no any kind of purpose as is believed till today. Till today it is believed that there is some supernatural being, who has created all the things. But it is not agreed by me. This process is self creation process without any goal.

Now coming to the point, what is the purpose of Creation to create Human beings and living beings?
The answer to this  question is that when there is no purpose of Creation to get into existence, therefore it has no purpose to create living beings or Human beings. All living beings and Human beings are created or born out of self created set of rules formed by continuous vibrations and clashes between minute particles to form cells, and later on by its progress and development, the living beings.

Now as Creation has no purpose and no reason to control people like an Emperor, it is the responsibility of all the Human beings to self manage the society by planning themselves properly and not depending on the SUPER NATURAL BEING OR GOD, who has no existence. Though we got created by co-incidences with the situations in nature's state of change, but we know that we have emotions, we want to love someone, we have anger, we want to live happily, therefore we must devise such a system without depending on GOD, in which every human being must remain happy.

You know very well, that every one has to go one day. So why not spare time to love other human beings. Why ego problems? Why only self oriented interests? What they are going to pay? Only Lust!. So do something, which other will praise after you go away. You get nothing out of it, but satisfaction that you have done something for others.

This is the TRUE PURPOSE WHICH EVERY HUMAN BEING MUST ACHIEVE. If this is realized by every one, I think there will be no sorrow and unhappiness in all the human lives.

Anjini Kumar Kasturia
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